How the Stoic Philosophy’s 4 Virtues Can Help You Progress Your Career

Originally published here
Courage, Wisdom, Justice, Temperance
In a fast-paced and ever-changing world, it can be challenging to maintain a sense of control over your career. The Stoic philosophy has four virtues that can help you weather any storms that come your way and progress in your career: courage, wisdom, justice, and temperance. Let’s take a look at how each of these virtues can help you in your professional life.
Courage is the virtue that enables us to confront and overcome our fears. When it comes to progressing in your career, having the courage to take risks can be essential. It can be scary to put yourself out there and try something new, but without taking risks, we will never know what we truly can achieve. So next time you’re afraid of going for that promotion or taking on a new project, remember that courage is the virtue that will see you through.
Wisdom is the virtue that allows us to see things as they really are and not be swayed by our emotions. In the workplace, this means making decisions based on logic and reason rather than letting our feelings guide us. Whenever you’re faced with a difficult decision at work, take a step back and consider what the wisest course of action would be. Chances are, following your head instead of your heart will lead you to the most successful outcome.
Justice is the virtue that allows us to act in accordance with what is right and fair. In the workplace, this means being honest and transparent in all your dealings with colleagues and clients. It also means treating everyone with respect, regardless of their position within the company. When you act with justice, you create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation, which is essential for progressing in your career.
Temperance is the virtue that allows us to moderate our desires and maintain self-control. At work, this might mean avoiding office gossip or resisting the urge to overeat at company lunches. It also means controlling your emotions so that you always remain calm and level-headed, even during challenging situations. By learning to moderate your desires, you’ll improve your chances of progressing in your career and maintain your mental health and well-being.
When it comes to progressing in your career, the Stoic philosophy’s four virtues of courage, wisdom, justice, and temperance can provide a helpful framework for making decisions and managing challenges. So next time you’re feeling lost or uncertain about what to do next in your career, remember these virtues and let them guide you towards a successful outcome.
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